Looking for Fresh Ways to Expand Your Offer Suite?
Reverse engineer, test, and refine your offers so you can connect with your perfect fit clients and grow your business faster than ever!
Ready to Complement Your Signature Offer With Something New?
If it feels like despite your efforts to innovate, your new offers aren't quite meeting your audience's expectations...You're not alone in this.
Welcome to the "Gap to Growth: 30 Day Offer Playbook," your practical guide to crafting offers that truly resonate. This playbook isn't just about throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks; it's about strategic experimentation and targeted adjustments to discover precisely what your audience desires.
If you're ready to reverse engineer your approach and hit the bullseye with your offers, this playbook is designed just for you.
Start with understanding who your clients really are and what they desperately need—which is often different from what they say they want.
Define precisely what your offer will include and how it will be delivered. This step ensures you create a compelling and coherent offer stack that directly addresses your clients' core challenges and desires.
Each week of the plan gives you clear, actionable tasks that will help you move from concept to tested offer ready for promotion.
As a visibility coach, I've seen too many hard working entrepreneurs struggle to make their mark simply because their offers don't resonate as they should. Many hustle tirelessly but lack a clear strategy, leading to sporadic results and unpredictable revenue.
From my own lessons learned as a keynote speaker in 2008, I realized how critical it is to diversify offers. Packaging even a single offer in three different ways not only maximized my reach but also significantly increased my revenue without overextending resources.
After spending thousands on courses that promised much but delivered little, I developed my own straightforward framework focused on strategy, simplicity, and genuine connections. This approach is specifically designed to help driven experts like you efficiently scale your business online while saving time, money, and stress.
The "Gap to Growth: 30 Day Offer Playbook" I've put together draws directly from these strategies. It’s about cutting through the noise, testing your ideas quickly, and connecting with your audience in meaningful ways.
Let's get your offers aligned with what your clients truly want and watch your business grow.
Joyce Layman, Founder Visibility Kickstart Club & Visibility Incubator
Ready to Fine-Tune Your Offers and Connect with Clients Who Can't Wait to Work with You?
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